Heritage recognises that Australia has shifted from an emergency response to managing COVID-19 consistent with other respiratory viruses that pose a risk to some people.
COVID-19 is likely to continue as an endemic disease driven by waning population vaccine- and infection-related immunity, virus mutation leading to new variants with immune escape and seasonal factors.
Continuing waves of infection are expected in the next few years, however current emerging variants pose similar risks to other circulating Omicron strains.
The broader community continues to be encouraged to follow the COVID Smart behaviours as these behaviours also prevent other respiratory infections and minimise individual risk while assisting in protecting vulnerable people.
If your child is displaying symptoms of a cold or flu, we strongly urge families to continue using COVID tests and seek medical advice if they have any concerns about their child’s health. Vigilance and prompt action is crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
Those diagnosed with COVID-19 are asked to stay at home until acute symptoms resolve (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat) and they are well.
Where there are two or more cases of COVID-19 at the service in a week, the exclusion period is extended to 5 days and until acute symptoms resolve and they are well.
Actions for People Exposed
We ask that staff who are household contacts and families of children who are household contacts to vigilantly follow hygiene procedures and stay at home/keep their child at home if they develop symptoms and to test for COVID-19.
We encourage staff and family members to wear a mask while inside the premises during heightened risk periods for respiratory illnesses, and for 10 days following returning a positive test for COVID-19 or if a household contact of a positive case.
COVID Safe Procedures for Families during Heightened Risk Periods Heritage will ensure physical distancing is employed where reasonably practicable in relation to families. The Director/Responsible Person in Charge will:
Encourage parents not to come into the service.
Modify arrival and departure routines to encourage physical distancing and reduce contact with families/carers at pick up and drop off as far as practicable.
Encourage parents to wear a mask if they enter the service.
COVID Safe Procedures for Children during Heightened Risk Periods Heritage will encourage physical distancing where reasonably practicable in relation to children. Educators will:
Spend more time outdoors or operate an indoor/outdoor program where practicable.
Modify the setup of the rooms and the placement of the activities to ensure a greater range of activities that encourage children to spread out.
Limit the number of whole group activities and encourage small group plays.
Seat children at opposite ends of a table when playing and eating, where practicable.
Set up more individual activities throughout the rooms. For example, all books and blocks being on one shelf, setting them up in separate areas throughout the room, where possible.
Avoid or mitigate the risk of activities involving higher transmission (eg using equipment, sharing play dough).
Ensure high risk behaviours for generation of aerosols, such as singing and playing wind instruments occur outdoors.
Avoid any situation when children are required to queue such as for bathrooms or using equipment.
Undertake a risk assessment for performances and social events that bring children together from different rooms in line with the advice of ACT Health.
Drop off and Pick-up Procedures During Heightened Risk Periods Families must:
Not enter the premises to drop off or collect children, except in the case of an emergency or to provide necessary supports for a child with additional needs, and in negotiation with the Director.
Text the service on arrival using the Heritage mobile 0434435101.
Drop children at the front entrance door or into the nursery garden area.
Sanitise their hands, and their children’s hands on arrival using the hand sanitiser provided.
Utilise the computer at the front entrance to sign in and out.
Educators must:
Meet families on arrival/pick up while maintaining physical distancing.