Heritage phone number - 0434 435 101 - for arrival notification, absence and illness reporting and emergencies.
Heritage News 2024
Family Afternoon - Celebrating all members of our Community. Join us for a campfire and yummy snack! Monday 2 September 2024 4:30-5:45pm
We are seeking volunteers for a sub-committee specific for the planning and managing of the transitions to the new building, as well as fundraising connected to that. Please contact Heritage if you would like to volunteer.
30 July 2024 - The ANU, with Heritage and UPCCC, have agreed key terms to ensure the future of Heritage operating on the ANU campus. The University has confirmed that the proposed tender process will not proceed. This will see UPCCC and HECC begin operations in the two new facilities from January 2025.
Book Week 2024 - dress up on Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd August
Our monthly Committee Meeting is being held on Tuesday 11 June from 5.00pm. All welcome.
We will be having our Parent/Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 18th June/Friday 21st June. Please find the sign-up sheet in the Preschool room. It is preferred to have these interviews in person, so please have a chat to one of the educators if this does not work for you. Keep an eye out for an email containing your child’s Learning Report.
Nutrition for the Under 5's - Talk by Michelle Saunders on Thursday 18 April, 5.30pm, Preschool Room. RSVP via: https://forms.office.com/r/c7zfUw6qg6. zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83104397336?pwd=vc1fnA4Am4IVvyOraJFlmWa8Fo3EbC.1. Meeting ID: 831 0439 7336. Passcode: 651876
‘Parent/Teacher Interview’ sheet is on the Preschool door for next Friday 22nd March and Wednesday 27th March. If you would like to catch up for a chat, pop your name down.
Our AGM is on Tuesday 19th of March - 4:30-5:45pm. All welcome.
All families are invited to drop their children off inside in 2024. This might be a big change for some children to adjust to, so it is usually best to develop a predictable drop-off routine for your child and listen to the great advice of educators to help with this big adjustment. We also have some fantastic resources/strategies to assist when a child is going through separation anxiety.
We will be saying our final farewells to any graduating preschoolers on Thursday, 25th January. The February transition will occur in the first week of Feb (Monday, 29th January).