Our mission is to work together to build a safe, respectful and nurturing environment focused on maximising each child’s sense of wellbeing and acquisition of skills for life, learning and wellbeing (Belonging, Being and Becoming).
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a warm and inclusive family atmosphere where all educators and families feel inspired to work together in a genuine collaborative partnership focused on providing a dynamic learning environment to ensure each child realises their full potential. Regardless of race, gender, age, ability, social status or family structure, our vision is to ensure each child is able to participate in all aspects of the program. We value the different gifts that each child brings to our community and embrace the many world cultures represented at Heritage. We celebrate our multicultural roots for the wealth of knowledge and understanding they bring to our community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, identities, perspectives, and connections to community and country are valued for their ways of being, knowing and doing.
Our Vision for Reconciliation At Heritage Early Childhood Centre, we look forward to a day when all Australians celebrate the longstanding and continuing contributions of the First Peoples of Australians to our nation's shared history and identity. We envision that we, as a country, recognise our true histories and the diverse past, present and continuing cultures, and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We will continue to respectfully embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ perspectives and cultures in all that we do.
We are committed to building relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our community to help break down barriers and move forward together with equity and equality. We are committed to fostering opportunities for First Nations children and non-Indigenous children to explore and engage with the community going outside the fence. Our students engage in authentic learning on Country. We are a community-based centre committed to supporting other small communities and organisations.
It is every a child's right in Australia to learn about the Land, the Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Custodians, and their rich and diverse cultures and histories. We understand the importance of connecting children to the natural world to develop their respect for maintaining the health and beauty of the environment. We will teach children to care for and respect the Land and to love all the beauty and knowledge it has to offer. We believe all First Nations children should know and understand their rights and all children are to be empowered to advocate for others' rights. Children who are respected and know their rights can be empowered to advocate for others' rights. We will continue to develop children's empathy and respect for others. We also acknowledge that racism has no place in Heritage Early Childhood Centre or the wider community. We commit to acting against racism and building inclusive learning environments that embrace diversity. Early Childhood Educators understand that 'from little things, big things grow' and that a child's learning journey and our shared reconciliation journey begins here.
Our Aims
Respect and Dignity We aim to ensure each child is given the opportunity to play, discover and grow in an atmosphere of care and mutual respect where their dignity and rights are preserved at all times.
Emotional Security We aim to build warm, respectful and meaningful relationships between all our children, families and educators in order to create a community of learners which is a support network for all. We know that respect comes from being acknowledged, understood and empathised with in relationships that have meaning, and understand the importance of establishing an emotionally secure foundation based on respect in order to support each child’s developing sense of self and empathy for others.